
Choosing a major is one of the most significant decisions students make during their college journey in the United States. This guide aims to provide an overview of the popular majors available, helping prospective students make informed choices.

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Understanding Majors, Minors, and Double Majors

What is a Major?

A major is the primary field of study a student chooses to focus on during their undergraduate education. It typically consists of a set of required courses that provide in-depth knowledge and skills in a specific academic discipline.

What is a Minor?

A minor is a secondary field of study that requires fewer courses than a major. It allows students to explore another area of interest or complement their major with related knowledge.

What is a Double Major?

A double major involves completing the requirements for two different majors simultaneously. This option allows students to gain expertise in two distinct fields but often requires careful planning and a heavier course load.

What is a Concentration?

A concentration is a focused area of study within a major. It allows students to delve deeper into a specific aspect of their chosen field. For example, a Business major might have concentrations in Finance, Marketing, or International Business. Concentrations typically require a set of specific courses within the major's curriculum.

What is a Specialization?

A specialization is similar to a concentration but often refers to a more narrowly focused area of study. It's commonly used in graduate programs or professional fields. For instance, a Law student might specialize in Environmental Law or Intellectual Property Law. In undergraduate programs, specializations may offer more in-depth, specialized coursework than concentrations.